Netiquette (week 7)


Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life

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I am of the opinion that the internet is a true reflection of what a human would be without the constraints of consequence or punishment. People express extreme depravity and commit horrible moral blunders just because their behaviour does not fall under constant scrutiny. A prime example of how far people can fall is the case of Christian Weston Chandler. An example of how a person was controlled and influenced for more than a decade by other horrible people online. He was not a sane person and clearly had a few mental diseases, he did not understand how to respond to trolls and kept responding to them. It is speculated that his autism led to him believing everything that his trolls told him, after a decade of being misled, he lost all sense of reality until he was coaxed by a horrible troll to violate his elderly mother. He is now in prison.

It always starts out as harmless fun until they see it as a way to control others and their emotions. Soon, they are surrounded by the hateful communities that they surround themselves with and soon enough they are numbed, normalised and acclimatised to an environment that infinitely generates hate and leaves nothing but negativity.

Another example of this are twitter mobs who find any reason whatsoever to label someone as either racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, fascist, Nazi, communist, sexist etc even if with full context their claims are not logical and do not actually make sense just so they can create a bandwagon to bully a person. This is a complete reflection of human society of how spineless people can be and how people just blindly follow whatever is possible at the time. I feel like a lot of people try and care about the world and the people around them but instead are easily manipulated by ideologies online.

I am not saying that the entire internet is uncivilised, but even a small minority of toxic internet users can ruin an entire site for people, consider the war between 4chan and Tumblr on July 4th 2014. 4chan continuously posted pornography, gore and shock images. Nothing is concrete or permanent, even all these examples that we have stated here are examples of an extreme vocal minority, we should continue to exist and learn to live and tolerate such antisocial behaviour the same way that we live in a world with murderers, robbers and paedophiles. We live in a horrible world, there is death, pain and suffering all around us, people will kick you and pull you sown to their level. It will drain you of everything unless you let go of desire and emotion. I guess I mean to say that we should live and let live and if some thing bothers you, think twice before calling the offender out on his offense because considering the nature of the internet that is exactly what they want.

But maybe the moral of the story is that there are good things and bad things :), enjoy this photo XD.


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